Brushy Creek is a CDP in Williamson County. Williamson County is in the ALEX Georgetown Region.


Most Brushy Creek students attend schools in the Round Rock ISD. View all Round Rock ISD schools and their Great Schools Ratings. Other Brushy Creek students attend schools in the Leander ISD. View all Leander ISD schools and their Great Schools Ratings. Information about Great Schools Ratings. There are many private school options in nearby Cedar Park and in Round Rock. Please contact the School Districts for enrollment eligibility.


Brushy Creek is 22 miles north of Downtown Austin.

Brushy Creek offers easy access to Austin, Cedar Park, Georgetown, Leander, Liberty Hill, North Austin, Round Rock, Taylor, The Domain, the Tesla Gigafactory and multiple Samsung Facilities including the new Taylor Semiconductor Plant.


Brushy Creek is on the Best in Texas™.
Best in Texas™ analysis is done by ALEX Labs. You can get for free the Best in Texas™ for all of Texas. 

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Niche gives Brushy Creek an “A+" Overall Grade.
Niche ranks Brushy Creek as the "#1 in Best Places to Live in Williamson County!"

Based on Median Household Income Williamson County is one of the Wealthiest Counties in Texas


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For more information contact ALEX Georgetown at 713.918.9951, or complete the form at the bottom of this page.

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