• Best in Texas™: Exploring Cedar Park Apr 2024 Market Vibrancy with Significant Sales Growth and Dynamic Pricing by ALEX.realestate,swpre-chime-me

    Best in Texas™: Exploring Cedar Park Apr 2024 Market Vibrancy with Significant Sales Growth and Dynamic Pricing by ALEX.realestate

    ALEX Labs just completed analysis of Cedar Park single family sales reported to the Austin Board of Realtors for April 2024. In about 60 seconds know more about the Cedar Park real estate market than almost anyone!  SUMMARY TABLE: MONTHLY TREND: +91%Predicted Monthly Trend: -2.12% DECREASE from prior monthSales Net of Monthly Trend: A +93.12% POSITIVE difference in actual vs predicted sales TOTAL SALES: 82 Up 91% from the previous month.Up 39% from the same month last year. TOTAL NET SALES VOLUME: $48,030,000 Up 75% from the previous month.Up 37% from the same month last year. NET SALE PRICE PER SQUARE FOOT: $232 per square foot average:Down 6% from the previous month.Up 2% from the same month last year. $235 per square foot median:Up 1% from the previous month.Up 5% from the same month last year. NET SALE PRICE: $582,000 average:Down 8% from the previous month.Down 1% from the same month last year. $486,000 median:Down 7% from the previous month.Down 15% from the same month last year. LIST PRICE PER SQUARE FOOT: $237 per square foot average:Down 6% from the previous month.Up 2% from the same month last year. $240 per square foot median:Down 1% from the previous month.Up 5% from the same month last year. LIST PRICE: $592,000 average:Down 9% from the previous month.Down 2% from the same month last year. $500,000 median:Down 7% from the previous month.Down 13% from the same month last year. DISCOUNT FROM LIST PRICE: -2.2% average discount:Up 28% from the previous month.Down 63% from the same month last year. -0.9% median discount:Down 44% from the previous month.Down 71% from the same month last year. DAYS FROM LISTING TO ESCROW: 28 average days on market:Down 29% from the previous month.Down 63% from the same month last year. 6 median days on market:Down 54% from the previous month.Down 77% from the same month last year. HIGH NET SALE PRICE PER SQUARE FOOT: $344 Down 33% from the previous month.Down 3% from the same month last year. NOTE: We do not audit ABOR data. We assume unusual numbers (spikes) are probably due to a Listing Agent misclassifying a property as “Single Family Residential” and/or data entry errors HIGH NET SALE PRICE: $1,484,000 Down 56% from the previous month.Down 7% from the same month last year. NOTE: We do not audit ABOR data. We assume unusual numbers (spikes) are probably due to a Listing Agent misclassifying a property as “Single Family Residential” and/or data entry errors ALEX knows more about Cedar Park area than just about anybody. If you have any questions, I am always here. Just call, text or email me. Diane Diane Hart Alexander, MBA, MHA, CEO, BrokerAlexander Tiffany Southwest dba ALEX.realestatev 713.591.9902e diane@alex.realestate

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  • Cedar Park, Feb 2024, Net Sale Price, Trend, Key Statistics, by ALEX.realestate,swpre-chime-me

    Cedar Park, Feb 2024, Net Sale Price, Trend, Key Statistics, by ALEX.realestate

    ALEX Labs just completed analysis of Cedar Park single family sales reported to the Austin Board of Realtors for February 2024. In about 60 seconds know more about the Cedar Park real estate market than almost anyone!  THE ONLY SOURCE ALEX is the only source of: (1) Cedar Park Net Sale Price Statistics (Net Sale Price = Sale Price LESS Repairs LESS Seller Contributions to Closing Costs.)(2) Austin Board of Realtors Monthly Trend Model (Monthly Trend) applied to Cedar Park monthly sales. (3) Monthly Net Sales and Other Key Statistics for over 45 Markets in the Greater Austin Area. (4) Comparing % change in number of sales month over month to  Monthly Trend. Georgetown comparative analysis. MARKET & TREND 43 total sales:Up 59% from the previous month. Down 2% from the same month last year. Monthly Trend: Predicted a 23.2% INCREASE from the previous month. Sales Net of Monthly Trend: 35.8% POSITIVE difference in actual vs predicted sales. $22,885,114 total net sales volume:Up 83% from the previous month. Down 7% from the same month last year. NET SALE PRICE $527,510 average:Up 15% from the previous month. Down 5% from the same month last year. $220 per square foot average:No change from the previous month. Down 3% from the same month last year. $493,800 median:Up 18% from the previous month. Up 7% from the same month last year. $229 per square foot median:No change from the previous month. Up 7% from the same month last year. LIST PRICE $544,662 average:Up 14% from the previous month. Down 6% from the same month last year. $227 per square foot average:Down 1% from the previous month. Down 5% from the same month last year. $489,000 median:Up 14% from the previous month. Up 1% from the same month last year. $231 per square foot median:Down 3% from the previous month. Up 1% from the same month last year. NET SALE $ % DISCOUNT FROM LIST $ 4.5% average discount:Down 36% from the previous month. Down 70% from the same month last year. 3.3% median discount:Up 22% from the previous month. Down 58% from the same month last year. CUMULATIVE DAYS FROM LISTING TO ESCROW 74 average days:Up 14% from the previous month. Down 14% from the same month last year. 61 median days:Up 36% from the previous month. Down 11% from the same month last year. LUXURY INSIGHTS $846,500 high net sale:Up 10% from the previous month. Down 38% from the same month last year. $308 per square foot high net sale:Up 7% from the previous month. Down 22% from the same month last year. ALEX REAL ESTATE STAT PACKS Get any or all Stat Packs ALEX Studios currently publishes over 45 Stat Packs in the Greater Austin area including Cedar Park. If you are interested in an area we are not currently publishing, or if you have any questions, contact me. I’m always available! Diane ALEX knows more about Cedar Park area than just about anybody. If you have any questions, I am always here. Just call, text or email me. Diane Hart Alexander, MBA, MHA, CEO, BrokerAlexander Tiffany Southwest dba ALEX.realestatev 713.591.9902e diane@alex.realestate Are you an Agent or Broker in Cedar Park?  This is NOT a large number of agents game for us. For example, in Cedar Park we will accept up to 2 agents and/or brokers. Do you want to work with a Broker in the top 2% of Zillow globally who is willing to help you with farming area targeting, lead generation, lead nurturing and lead conversion? Would you like to be armed with the best and most powerful tools including Stat Packs and 1 Minute Tours?   Want to know more about ALEX or ALEX Partner positions? Contact me! Diane SUMMARY TABLE DAYS FROM LISTING TO ESCROW NET SALE PRICE* PERCENT DISCOUNT FROM LIST PRICE TOTAL NUMBER OF SALES TOTAL NET SALES* VOLUME NET SALE PRICE* PER SF NET SALE PRICE* PER HOME LIST PRICE PER SF LIST PRICE PER HOME HIGH LIST PRICE PER SF & HIGH NET SALE PRICE* PER SF Note: We do not audit ABOR data. We assume these unusual numbers (spikes) are probably due to Listing Agents misclassifying properties as “Single Family Residential” HIGH LIST PRICE & HIGH NET SALE PRICE* PROJECT TEAM Teale Miller, Consulting AnalystJanez Novak, Senior Consulting AnalystGeorge Alexander, Project Lead

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  • Cedar Park, Feb 2024, Net Sale Price, Trend, Key Statistics, by ALEX.realestate,swpre-chime-me

    Cedar Park, Feb 2024, Net Sale Price, Trend, Key Statistics, by ALEX.realestate

    ALEX Labs just completed analysis of Cedar Park single family sales reported to the Austin Board of Realtors for February 2024. In about 60 seconds know more about the Cedar Park real estate market than almost anyone!  THE ONLY SOURCE ALEX is the only source of: (1) Cedar Park Net Sale Price Statistics (Net Sale Price = Sale Price LESS Repairs LESS Seller Contributions to Closing Costs.)(2) Austin Board of Realtors Monthly Trend Model (Monthly Trend) applied to Cedar Park monthly sales. (3) Monthly Net Sales and Other Key Statistics for over 45 Markets in the Greater Austin Area. (4) Comparing % change in number of sales month over month to  Monthly Trend. Georgetown comparative analysis. MARKET & TREND 43 total sales:Up 59% from the previous month. Down 2% from the same month last year. Monthly Trend: Predicted a 23.2% INCREASE from the previous month. Sales Net of Monthly Trend: 35.8% POSITIVE difference in actual vs predicted sales. $22,885,114 total net sales volume:Up 83% from the previous month. Down 7% from the same month last year. NET SALE PRICE $527,510 average:Up 15% from the previous month. Down 5% from the same month last year. $220 per square foot average:No change from the previous month. Down 3% from the same month last year. $493,800 median:Up 18% from the previous month. Up 7% from the same month last year. $229 per square foot median:No change from the previous month. Up 7% from the same month last year. LIST PRICE $544,662 average:Up 14% from the previous month. Down 6% from the same month last year. $227 per square foot average:Down 1% from the previous month. Down 5% from the same month last year. $489,000 median:Up 14% from the previous month. Up 1% from the same month last year. $231 per square foot median:Down 3% from the previous month. Up 1% from the same month last year. NET SALE $ % DISCOUNT FROM LIST $ 4.5% average discount:Down 36% from the previous month. Down 70% from the same month last year. 3.3% median discount:Up 22% from the previous month. Down 58% from the same month last year. CUMULATIVE DAYS FROM LISTING TO ESCROW 74 average days:Up 14% from the previous month. Down 14% from the same month last year. 61 median days:Up 36% from the previous month. Down 11% from the same month last year. LUXURY INSIGHTS $846,500 high net sale:Up 10% from the previous month. Down 38% from the same month last year. $308 per square foot high net sale:Up 7% from the previous month. Down 22% from the same month last year. ALEX REAL ESTATE STAT PACKS Get any or all Stat Packs ALEX Studios currently publishes over 45 Stat Packs in the Greater Austin area including Cedar Park. If you are interested in an area we are not currently publishing, or if you have any questions, contact me. I’m always available! Diane ALEX knows more about Cedar Park area than just about anybody. If you have any questions, I am always here. Just call, text or email me. Diane Hart Alexander, MBA, MHA, CEO, BrokerAlexander Tiffany Southwest dba ALEX.realestatev 713.591.9902e diane@alex.realestate Are you an Agent or Broker in Cedar Park?  This is NOT a large number of agents game for us. For example, in Cedar Park we will accept up to 2 agents and/or brokers. Do you want to work with a Broker in the top 2% of Zillow globally who is willing to help you with farming area targeting, lead generation, lead nurturing and lead conversion? Would you like to be armed with the best and most powerful tools including Stat Packs and 1 Minute Tours?   Want to know more about ALEX or ALEX Partner positions? Contact me! Diane SUMMARY TABLE DAYS FROM LISTING TO ESCROW NET SALE PRICE* PERCENT DISCOUNT FROM LIST PRICE TOTAL NUMBER OF SALES TOTAL NET SALES* VOLUME NET SALE PRICE* PER SF NET SALE PRICE* PER HOME LIST PRICE PER SF LIST PRICE PER HOME HIGH LIST PRICE PER SF & HIGH NET SALE PRICE* PER SF Note: We do not audit ABOR data. We assume these unusual numbers (spikes) are probably due to Listing Agents misclassifying properties as “Single Family Residential” HIGH LIST PRICE & HIGH NET SALE PRICE* PROJECT TEAM Teale Miller, Consulting AnalystJanez Novak, Senior Consulting AnalystGeorge Alexander, Project Lead

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